sub-genre of Fantasy
"A fantasy tale in which magical powers and characters appear in an otherwise normal modern context, similar to Latin American magical realism." [Writer's Digest]
[and for the sake of completion, though it was listed under horror...?]
"Magical Realism is a genre inspired by Latin American authors, in which extraordinary forces or creatures pop into otherwise normal, real-life settings." [Writer's Digest]
Jim Butcher ['Dresden Files' series]
Laurell K. Hamilton, her blog
H. P. Mallory
Urban Fantasy [book reviews]
Urban Fantasy Land [book reviews, guest bloggers]
I. Urban fantasy vs. Paranormal romance
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This is the companion piece to my blog, The Turn of a Page, containing my bibliography of interesting links, articles, etc. It's mainly to assist in my writing, but you're welcome to browse. If you have any comments, please feel free to email me! Ta!